Archive by Author

How to Get Backlinks To Your Website

Many of you have been asking me how to get backlinks to your website, so instead of answering everyone separately I thought it be better to just write a blog post on it and you all can learn how to do it. This is going to be the quick and easy version, if you need [...]

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Do You Recognize a Nofollow Link?

By now you have probably heard that you need to get dofollow links and avoid nofollow links. If not you can read my other post on What is a Nofollow Link. Anyway it may sound easy to avoid nofollow links but how do you know if a link is nofollow in the first place?? Ok, [...]

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What is Dofollow and Nofollow Links?

If you have been trying to learn SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for some time chances are you have heard about dofollow and nofollow links. But what are they anyway, and how do you find out if a link is dofollow or nofollow? And how does this affect your sites search engine rankings? Lets start with [...]

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To Hyphen or Not To Hyphen Domain Names for SEO

I got this question recently about whether it is better for SEO to use a domain name with hyphens ( or without hyphens ( when doing SEO. Let’s say that we are optimizing for the phrase “Internet Hero”. I know that Google recognizes both and to contain the keyword phrase “internet hero” so [...]

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Fix Failed WP Plugin Installation In Safe Mode

When using the new auto plugin installer in WordPress it failed miserably with the following error message: Downloading install package from… Warning: touch() [function.touch]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 587 is not allowed to access /tmp owned by uid 0 in /long-path/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 199 Download failed. Could not [...]

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The WordPress 3.0 Upgrade Was a Success

Finally after a couple of hours of work all four of my blogs have been upgraded to WordPress 3.0 and if feels good! Here’s what you need to watch out for when upgrading: Automatic Upgrade Glitches The automatic upgrade feature of WordPress does not work if your web host is running PHP in safe mode, [...]

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Before I Upgrade to WordPress 3.0

My experience installing Wordpress 3.0 on two of my older blogs, not without challenges with the plugins.

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Jiggling the Web for Nearly Instant Search Engine Rankings

Michael Campbell, publisher of the Internet Marketing Secrets Newsletter and creator of the GooBert 2.0 social media marketing method, has released a controversial website on how to get nearly instant search engine rankings using social media sites and bookmarks. He calls it Jiggling the Web Regardless if you’re a SEO expert, an anti spam crusader [...]

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Having Problems with Ping-O-Matic and Firefox?

I just started using Ping-O-Matic, a service for broadcasting your ping to multiple other ping services at the push of a button. The problem is there’s something wrong with and Firefox (and IE in some instances). I can successfully submit the first feed, but when submitting the next feed the form breaks and I [...]

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The New Site Is Up

Ok, you probably already noticed… and in case you didn’t here’s what I did: I replaced the old plain text homepage to a modern, premium theme, wordpress blog. Now the possibilites are endless, I can write anything I want without having to spit HTML and think formatting. And the benefit to you is that I’m [...]

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